Monday, October 24, 2016

Multiple solutions to decreasing Biased news and information

            When it comes to having media being biased there could be little to no solution on fixing it. But when you think about it, there are ways to reduce the biased even though it won’t go away entirely. I’ve conducted a few surveys throughout my time of writing this essay and many people have had many different ways of reducing but not stopping biased media completely on its tracks. One of my surveyor named Vanessa didn’t mind me using her name and said “We should basically change the anchor-men of the broad cast station due to the fact that they have a strong connection to the republican an opinion of things.” But the problem with this is that according to gale group opposing viewpoints “Reporters were trained to keep personal beliefs to themselves when writing about events.” If this is true, then The broad cast station itself should make major changes to their policies. The people who had conducted the policies may have had been right sided and not neutral or focus of both sides.  Another one of my surveyors named Ahir stated “ we should do a way better job at focusing on both sides of the subject and the express their selves with an open opinion.” Which is also true, the idea of having an opinion on the broadcast station is something news do not want. News channels really do not want immediate change unless it is forced upon them to changed their ways or they may even change over time, but that would take forever.
            When interviewing my professor of sociology (Kirschner, David) he mentions that “there no such thing as an unbiased news sources or party identification and that all news is biased. But he said one way that news has been improved it is thanks to the internet and thanks to the people ability to use a camera or an iPhone to recorded their own shows or radio and podcasts they may have conducted by themselves. Everyday people can take an objective to trying to report things that are bias as possible, so you would like get these independent news sources that I think tends to be more unbiased news.” One reason there so much negativity and biased on the new channels is that the news no longer about conveying information, or telling people what’s going on. It’s about making money, if they most extreme story out there you’re going to tend to get the most viewers. The idea of more attention and more money is causing them to be biased and grab certain audience that they know will pay attention and watch their station. Another one of my surveyors said the same concepts. Her name was Liz and she had stated “Money and funding is more important to the stations out there than anything else. Watching like nonconflictual stations would be more reliable to get information from rather than the big broad cast stations out there than provokes money and power. Coming from Opposing view point stated that “There are two main strands of media criticism from the left. Some liberal critics accuse the media of being vehicles of propaganda for big business and government. Others focus their concern on the growing conservatism in the media as a result of the success of Fox News and conservative talk radio. "Coming from voxeu are some more options include to reduce bias media throughout world and its people that watches news.

  • creating national endowments for journalism and media to ensure long-term financial independence
  • allocating funds to content-providers as a function of audience and/or via a range of voting mechanisms
  • expansion of the public broadcasting model to provide space and visibility for these outside content-providers
  • subsidising investigative reporting (at the local, national, and international levels) as well as professional training for journalists
  • subsidising media infrastructure (see e.g., Obama and Gordon Brown’s commitments to breach the digital divide)
  • removing advertising from public TV stations, as imminent in France and Spain. This reduces commercial bias of their content and pressures their competitors to reduce bias; it also shifts ad revenues to private media, complementing plans to subsidise media consumption and media entry.

            “For conservatives, bias in the media lies in the political beliefs of the journalists” coming from opposing viewpoints as a factual statement. “My argument that even the genuinely “liberal” media is not nearly so liberal as the conservatives are conservative, that it is not organized as a political movement— and that indeed, much of it has been cowed into adopting conservative assumptions and arguments if only unconsciously— was more than borne out by the collective yawn with which these ideas were met by some of the media’s most liberal constituents.” The problem is very complex in news stations, what the news says could be neutral and if you believe that its neutral and you’re listening to fox news and you believe that its objective then the person that believes this idea is completely being misled on how they have their thoughts upon the news. People are biased also so to speak when it comes to thinking that their always right and what they perceive on televisions is also right of course. Then if you think your right and all of your choices are right then who’s to say you’re not biased also? But the problem with biased in the news is that you have to have a powerful backup tell people that you’re not as biased as they perceive you as. Journalism is good to have for the media to give their idea upon the news station trying to convinced people that their not as biased. But most people have good and bad thoughts upon the broadcast station ideas.

            In the video and comments of the comment sections on broadcast stations shows that the argument in the comments shows people basically arguing over whether or not the new story is unbiased or objective and why it’s not objective, and also you could see in the debates ant the evidence in the story its self that it is not biased but just perceived as biased when something happens on their broadcast stations. But as my professor David stated broadcast stations could use the comment section as to get an idea of what they’re doing because they know that their biased it’s just the fact of looking at it and how other people would think about it.When it all comes around their really just playing with people’s minds and emotions to see what they get from it and how people act on the subject which is not a problem but is really not needed to start propaganda throughout the world. The solution of stopping it or decreasing it in my mind is to not have every news station so close to government control and the CEO’s on what to publish and not. Having a Broadcast station with free thought would release the thought and stress of having biased news. #STOPBIASEDMEDIA

"Media Bias." Opposing Viewpoints Online Collection. Detroit: Gale, 2015. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 19 Oct. 2016.

Lineberry, Robert L. Special Issue on Ethnicity and Social Change. Malden, MA: Blackwell for the Southwestern Social Science Association, 2006. Print.

Alterman, Eric. What Liberal Media? : The Truth about Bias and the News. New York, US: Basic Books, 2008. ProQuest ebrary. Web. 23 October 2016.

Kirschner, David, Personal Interview, 12 October 2016

voxeu. "Reducing Media Bias through Regulation | VOX, CEPR's Policy Portal." Reducing Media Bias through Regulation | VOX, CEPR's Policy Portal. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Oct. 2016. <>.

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